Found A Dog
If you found a dog without tags or identification, immediately call Baker City Dispatch at 541-523-3644. Or, bring the dog directly to Baker City’s Animal Impound located at the Baker Vet Hospital,
3425 10th Street in Baker City.
If you see a lost dog and are unable or unwilling to approach it, immediately call Baker City Dispatch at 541-523-3644. Provide the dispatcher with the dog’s location and description (color, size, unique markings, breed, etc.) Tell the dispatcher what direction the dog might be heading if it is running loose.
Found A Cat
If you found a tame, friendly cat, Best Friends can help reunite the kitty with its owner by reaching out to the Send an email to us at: and provide the gender, age, brief description (including unique markings) and the location of the animal.
If you found a ‘community’ (unhomed) or feral cat, check to see if there are kittens nearby — if there are, keep the momma cat with her litter. Best Friends can provide cat food and other supplies. If there are NO kittens, we can help you trap the adult cat to be spayed or neutered.