Become A Best Friends Fan!

There are many ways to show your support of Best Friends and become a fan! Wondering how?
Here are a few ways to consider — or call us at 541-519-7387.

  • Sponsor an animal in our care by financially “adopting” it and covering its medical, special food and treatment costs.

  • Make in-kind donations we always need dog & cat food, kitty litter, kitten replacement milk, pet beds & bedding, and office supplies!

  • Host a fundraiser event for us. And, attend and support events we host.

  • Follow us on Facebook – share our posts with your Facebook friends.

  • Include Best Friends of Baker in your estate planning — you will create a lasting legacy for animal care and wellbeing in Baker County.

Wanna be a fan of mine?

  • Invite a Best Friends volunteer to be a speaker at a group you’re a member of — we’re delighted to give a presentation that shares what Best Friends is all about.

  • Donate money to Best Friends — any amount is fully appreciated! Your donation enables us to continue caring for animals.

  • Shop at our Rescued Treasures thrift store! We sell unique items at very reasonable prices. You can also donate gently used items for us to sell.