Lost and Found Pets
Lost a Pet?
Call and report to Sheriff Dispatch: 541-523-3644 (dogs only)
Call and report to the Animal Clinic: 541-523-3611 (dogs only)
Send us a Facebook message with the following:
Photo of the animal
Date and location last seen
Your name and phone number
Monitor the Facebook post by turning on notifications; you’ll be notified when someone comments
Found an Animal?
Deliver to the Animal Clinic: 2490 10th Street (dogs only)
If the Animal Clinic is closed, call dispatch (541-523-3644) and tell them you need an officer to complete an impound (dogs only)
Send us a Facebook message with the following:
Photo of the animal, if possible
Date and location found
Animal’s current location
If someone contacts us and positively identifies the animal as theirs, we’ll put them in touch with you